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Bulawayo Mayor torches storm with ZUPCO comment

Bulawayo Mayor Solomon Mguni
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Bulawayo residents are up in arms with the city mayor over his comment on ZUPCO buses which were availed in the city last week.

Mayor Solomon Mguni took to his facebook page on the 31st of January to express his disapproval of the government intervention, saying the availing of ZUPCO buses in the city is in conflict with the city’s own elaborate transport policy and master plan.

Mguni added that town planners had not anticipated the government move and did not allocate any bays to ZUPCO buses to pick and drop off passengers.

The post was not welcomed by many who cited that it is a sign that the city council does not want to work with the government but councillors are in the offices to serve their own selfish interests with some allegedly said to own commuter omnibuses which they want to protect.

The commuting public has been suffering at the hands of unscrupulous commuter omnibuses which were hiking prices willy-nilly.

The Mayor’s facebook post also comes in the wake of Bulawayo City Council having closed Egodini bus terminus last year for upgrading but has done nothing yet at the site.

The closure of Egodini mall brought up congestion in some parts of the town such as Fort Street, Herbert Chitepo and Sixth Avenue as these streets are dropping and pick up points used by commuter omnibuses.