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British govt and Zimbabwe seek enhanced cooperation to strengthen bilateral relations

Pete Vowles, expressed this commitment during a courtesy call on Dr. Jenfan Muswere
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In a bid to foster stronger ties and mend relations, the United Kingdom is actively pursuing constructive dialogue with Zimbabwe. British Ambassador to Zimbabwe, His Excellency Pete Vowles, expressed this commitment during a courtesy call on Dr. Jenfan Muswere, the Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services in Harare this Friday.

The meeting aimed at identifying potential areas of cooperation between the two nations, with discussions focusing on trade enhancement, tourism, mining industry collaboration, and the overall improvement of economic sectors.

Dr. Muswere highlighted the significance of working collaboratively under President Mnangagwa’s leadership, emphasizing the nation’s dedication to re-engage and foster friendships. He stated, “We believe that we can re-engage and engage any country that we are friends to all and enemies to none.” The courtesy visit by Ambassador Vowles aligns with the re-engagement strategy, reflecting a political will to collaborate.

Ambassador Vowles acknowledged the historical complexities between the UK and Zimbabwe but emphasized the desire to build a resilient relationship based on mutual respect and sovereignty. He noted the need to move past the adversarial history, stating, “We spent the last 20 years shouting at each other, and that has not served either country.” The focus is now on forming a relationship grounded in respectful dialogue to address challenges collaboratively.

For the Zimbabwean government, this initiative signifies the success of the engagement and re-engagement efforts championed by the second republic. The improved relations mark a positive shift, particularly considering decades of animosity that stemmed from the West’s response to Zimbabwe’s land reform program at the turn of the millennium.

The dialogue between the UK and Zimbabwe underscores the commitment to building a diplomatic relationship that benefits both nations, fostering cooperation and understanding for the mutual advancement of their respective interests.

Source – ZBC