gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Britain donates US$43.6 million to Zimabbwe to fight Coronavirus – The Zimbabwe Mail

Britain donates US$43.6 million to Zimabbwe to fight Coronavirus

Mnangagwa meets British Director for the African Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mrs Harriet Matthews at his Munhumutapa offices in Harare
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The UK is committed to fighting COVID19 not only at home in the UK but across the world. So far the UK has pledged £544 million to support vaccine and treatments research, protecting fragile economies and helping organisations like the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF to slow the spread of the disease.

Here in Zimbabwe, the Department for International Development (DFID) is supporting partners UNICEF, WHO, UNDP and WFP with £35.4 million (US$43.6 million) by providing medical supplies, infection prevention and control, broadcast messaging, child support, psycho-social support for front-line workers, WASH facilities and humanitarian aid to help mitigate the crisis on the poorest and most vulnerable across the country.

In a statement on Wednesday United Kingdom Embassy in Zimbabwe said, “Through our humanitarian programme we are currently supporting 570,000 beneficiaries throughout Zimbabwe and will continue to provide emergency humanitarian aid and cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the country. We are ensuring the safety of our beneficiaries by increasing distribution points in order to minimise large gatherings and adhering to good hygiene practices and social distancing rules.

“All UK aid money in Zimbabwe is channelled through trusted partners only. We are monitoring the situation closely and urgently looking at what further support we could provide through our partners on the ground.”

Head of DFID Zimbabwe, Cate Turton said, “We are working with our partners to rapidly reorganise and scale-up our UK aid programmes to support the COVID19 response in Zimbabwe and urge others to as well. Our priority is to reach the most vulnerable communities and those most in need and to also reduce the risk and impact of COVID19. I’d like to say a huge thanks to our partners and especially front-line humanitarian workers who continue to deliver despite facing many challenges. We urge all actors to abide by the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.”

Source – Byo24