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Bushiri avails K50 million to fight Coronavirus

Shepherd Bushiri
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South African based celebrated preacher Shepherd Bushiri has announced that he is availing  K50 million to the nation of Malawi to assist them in combating the deadly Coronavirus which has claimed one life.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Shepherd Bushiri Foundation (SBF)  said the intervention is a continuation of what it is doing in countries such as South Africa, USA and India in responding to COVID-19.

The Foundation said it will be distributing, freely, several amenities aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 among disadvantaged communities and, also, areas where essential public services are provided.

“Further, the intervention will also see SBF working with the media in raising awareness of the pandemic, in the rural areas, through production of radio jingles, posters and tracts.

Some of the already purchased amenities include: hand sanitizers, face masks, surgical gloves and water buckets.” The statement said. “Some of the targeted beneficiaries includes: villages, prisons, rural health centers, minibus drivers, bicycle taxis and the media.

“The intervention is already in motion and SBF would like to partner with community based organisations already working on COVID-19. Together we can stop COVID-19. Avoid unnecessary mobility. Stay home. Wash your hands with soap. Sanitize you’re hands.”

Source – Byo24