gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); South African activists angry over work permits extensions – The Zimbabwe Mail

South African activists angry over work permits extensions

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Ending permits for Zimbabweans and Basotho nationals living in South Africa is unconstitutional and sets a bad precedent for the country’s democracy.

This is according to spokesperson of advocacy group, Kopanang Africa Against Xenophobia, Sharon Ekambaram.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has extended special permits for Zimbabweans and Basotho living in the country for two years until November 2025.

VIDEO | Lestotho, Zimbabwe permit holders granted extensions:

The exemption will cater to more than 50 000 Basotho and 178 000 Zimbabweans who have migrated to South Africa.

The Zimbabwean Exemption Permit was due to expire in June 2023 following a number of extensions, but its termination was scrapped.

Home Affairs is currently appealing the decision in the Supreme Court of Appeal.

Ekambaram elaborates in the podcast below:

Source: SABC