It looks like WhatsApp users might have to be a bit warier about their privacy especially because the latest version of the mobile app, will enable pop-up previews of footage even when your device is locked for iOS beta users.

This is according to WABetaInfo who revealed what the new update will have in a tweet recently.

“WhatsApp is rolling out the possibility to view videos directly in the push notification for any iOS beta user having the version installed!” WABetaInfo tweeted recently before adding,

“It will be available soon for App Store users.”

What exactly does this mean for current iOS beta users who upgrade to the latest app version?

Well as opposed to receiving a regular pop up notification which displays the contact name and a short preview of the message on your home screen, users can now expect to see a snippet of the clip sent to them on Whatsapp.

This of course can get a little awkward in some instances especially if the content displayed is graphic and catches the user off guard.