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Roadblocks to be monitored online

Kazembe Kazembe
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GOVERNMENT will soon be monitoring activities at all roadblocks countrywide under the computerised Ministry of Home Affairs Integrated ICT System, a Cabinet Minister has said.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Manica Post on the sidelines of the Lotteries and Gaming Board induction workshop in Mutare last week, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe said the system would go a long way in curbing corruption at roadblocks.

Cabinet approved the system last week.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs Integrated ICT System is all about smart policing, which is part of the integrated solution. Police officers at roadblocks will be monitored from the office.

“When fully implemented, the system will curb corruption at the roadblocks. We will also have computerised crime and traffic management systems. We will have gadgets that will police the police officers,” said Minister Kazembe.

“We are attending to the issue of corruption. No one is above the law. We have got a number of cases where a number of police officers were arrested. Police officers are human and therefore there are rogue ones among them.

“However, the majority ones are doing their job very well as evidenced by their performance.

He urged the general public to be active participants in the fight against corruption.

“If every Zimbabwean commits to ending corruption, we will eradicate it,” he said.

Minister Kazembe also said the computerised system will also help eradicate corruption in the immigration and civil registration system.

“If the registration system is fully computerised, we will be able to remove the human interface element as people will apply for their passports from the comfort of their homes or offices, thereby eliminating corruption,” said Minister Kazembe.

He said the Home Affairs Ministry was awaiting Treasury’s disbursement of the requisite funds to roll out the programme.

“Technology is the solution in the fight against corruption since no one can bribe it. We should be moving ahead as soon as Treasury avails the resources,” he said.

Turning to the increasing robberies, Minister Kazembe said Government had declared war on armed robbers.

“The police force is doing its best as evidenced by the arrest of a number of armed robbers,” said the minister. – Manica Post