gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Apple Unveils “Apple Intelligence” at WWDC, Partnering with OpenAI to Enhance Siri – The Zimbabwe Mail

Apple Unveils “Apple Intelligence” at WWDC, Partnering with OpenAI to Enhance Siri

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CUPERTINO, Calif.— Apple has entered the race to integrate generative artificial intelligence into consumer technology, unveiling a suite of new AI-driven features at its World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) on Monday. These innovations are set to enhance the capabilities of the iPhone and other popular Apple products, leveraging technology already present in competing devices.

In a move characteristic of its marketing acumen, Apple has branded its new AI technology as “Apple Intelligence.” This advancement will be available on iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers later this year.

Acknowledging the need to catch up with early leaders like Microsoft and Google, Apple has partnered with OpenAI to boost its efforts. OpenAI’s ChatGPT will play a key role in making Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri, smarter and more effective.

To highlight this collaboration, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was present in the front row of the packed conference, which featured developers from over 60 countries.

“All of this goes beyond artificial intelligence, it’s personal intelligence, and it is the next big step for Apple,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook.

With the integration of ChatGPT, Siri will undergo a significant overhaul. The 13-year-old virtual assistant will become more personable and versatile, capable of handling about 1.5 billion daily queries. The enhancements will be part of free software updates for Apple products set to be released this autumn.

The updates will introduce new visual cues for Siri, including glowing, flashing lights along the edges of the display screen. Siri will also be equipped to perform hundreds of additional tasks, including those requiring interaction with third-party devices, marking a substantial improvement over its current capabilities.

As Apple prepares to launch these AI enhancements, it aims to redefine user experience by blending advanced technology with personal intelligence, further cementing its position in the competitive tech landscape.

Source: AP