gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF MP says Johanne Marange members are safe from Covid-19 – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF MP says Johanne Marange members are safe from Covid-19

St Noah Taguta leads members of the Johane Marange Apostolic Sect in song during a Passover Conference at Mafararikwa July 2015 (FILE PHOTO)
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MUTARE West MP Teedzayi Muchimwe Zanu-PF yesterday declared in Parliament that all members of the Noah Taguta Johanne Marange Apostolic sect, where he is a senior official, were safe from Covid-19.

During Parliament Question and Answer session, Muchimwe declared to know why unvaccinated legislators were being denied entry in Parliament, adding that the rights of those who did not believe in vaccination were being violated.

He went on to declare that members of his church continue hugging and kissing at church congregations and Covid-19 has not affected them at all.

“To me and the Johanne Marange Apostolic Sect Church, we see Covid-19 as just a drop in the sea… we are not even affected. Since this COVID-19 started, we have been kissing each other and shaking hands, we are not even affected by COVID-19.

“Why deny us entry into Parliament? Come to us, we will help you to eradicate the disease,” he said.

The declaration by Muchimwe come at a time his church stands accused of not doing enough to stem child marriages by elderly church members, and for disregarding lockdown regulations against congregation of churches.

Government is also criticized for not taking the church head-on for fear of losing voters. Opposition leader Linda Masarira recently told that the Zanu PF led Government relies on the Apostolic sect for votes and would never dare confront them.

Relating to the claims by Muchimwe, Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda asked the legislator to “bring your spiritual medicine to Parliament so that we see how it works”.