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Women gang up against abusive hubby

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GIRL power!

Bongani Maphepha (34), a wife basher from Bulawayo’s Mpopoma suburb found it the hard way that women abuse is bad business when women from the community descended on him.

His transgression was beating up his 25-year-old wife Simphiwe Maphepha. Speaking to B-Metro, one of the women from the neighbourhood who organised others to confront the abusive Bongani said had they not intervened he could have killed her leaving their 12-year-old daughter vulnerable.

“As women in the neighbourhood we had a meeting and it was based on how Maphepha is an abusive husband. The idea was to get his wife to report him to the police. Who beats up their wife in this day and age? He locks them (with daughter) out of the house for hours at night.

We will find a solution to this matter soon,” said Thenjiwe Mthwakazi.

Bongani told B-Metro of his frustrations that forced him to be abusive.

“I took leave from work to rest at home and be with the family but right now I feel like my wife is turning me into her own house girl. Ever since I took the leave she does not stay home, she leaves home early morning and comes back around nine in the evening with no valid explanation,” he said.

He also suspects her of cheating.

“The woman I call my wife is cheating on me, leaving me to care for our child who needs her to be home. I beat her up to a pulp because I cannot have such behaviour under my roof,” he added.

Simphiwe told B-Metro that at times she loses track of time watching gospel movies at her friend’s place.

“I usually go to a friend, Dorothy Zhanje’s place where I watch Zee World channel and I lose track of time and  have to go home late. I have not  cheated but a man from the neighbourhood was sending me church verses and emotional quotes which my husband read and got all upset. I cannot have him treat me like this and I want him to apologise or else I will leave him,” added Simphiwe.

But Bongani said she could pack her bags and leave if she didn’t like the way he wanted her to behave.