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Woman loses boyfriend to best friend

Unhappy Young Man Having Argument With Woman At Home
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GREAT betrayal!
A Bulawayo woman is beyond angry and upset after her best friend whom she claimed she was spending every single day with, allegedly snatched her boyfriend.

Ollin Ngulube from Pumula North suburb is apparently feeling sick in her heart after her friend Memory Due Sibanda from Makokoba suburb stole her boyfriend Delani Mpunzi.

What makes her so wild is that Sibanda won’t even let her speak to Mpunzi whom she is also reportedly parading around her suburb like a prized catch saying she was not worthy of having him.

Ngulube’s anger pangs were contained in papers obtained at the Bulawayo Civil Court in which she was seeking a peace order against her former friend claiming she was verbally and physically abusing her. She claimed Sibanda was also threatening to kill her over her boyfriend.

“I want a peace order to be granted against Memory Due Sibanda from Makokoba suburb. She was my best friend and our friendship ended after she snatched my boyfriend Delani Mpunzi despite knowing that we were in love.

“Memory is now verbally and physically abusing me as well as threatening to kill me. I want the court to stop her from insulting and assaulting me as well as threatening me.

She should also stop visiting me at my work place and home,” her affidavit reads in part.

Ngulube’s case was, however, struck off the roll by presiding magistrate Nomsa Ncube after she didn’t come to court to corroborate her claims.