gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Woman dumps two-year-old in road, to fix hubby – The Zimbabwe Mail

Woman dumps two-year-old in road, to fix hubby

Lina Bantu
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A man from Bulawayo’s Mpopoma suburb no longer knows peace in his life as his wife has turned out to be a monster who at one time dumped their toddler in the middle of the road to fix the husband.

The woman is now a danger to the whole family including herself as she always threatens to cut her living days short by taking rat poison.

Linabantu Shoko has turned her husband Tawanda Ngirishi into a punching bag and this has forced the husband to run to the courts to seek protection.

“Linabantu is my wife and we reside together. Most of the times she is violent and once left our son aged two in the middle of the road endangering him.

“She at times assaults me using open hands and an iron bar. On 22 August, she came to my workplace and shouted at me in front of my workmates, degrading me,” he said.

He revealed that he also felt insecure following his wife’s behaviour as she failed to control her temper and was capable of doing anything that can harm any of the family members.

“She at times threatens to kill herself using rat poison and that also emotionally affects me. She assaults me with iron bars and there is a time she had said she was going to South Africa and therefore I left doors locked, but it never went down with her and she beat me for that,” said Ngirishi.

In response, Shoko confirmed all the allegations as true.

Western Commonage presiding magistrate Tancy Dube granted an interim order.