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Housebreaker found naked

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A man from Madhora Village under Chief Mataruse in Mberengwa, has been jailed 15 months after he was found naked in his neighbour’s house.

Believe Mangena (27) was dragged to court by his neighbour Thembani Ndlovu (54) after she found him naked in her house.

Mangena appeared before Mberengwa magistrate Shepherd Mjanja, charged with unlawful entry.

He pleaded guilty to the charge and blamed evil spirits for his crime.

Magistrate Mjanja castigated Mangena for his behaviour, saying he deserved a custodial sentence to deter would-be offenders.

It is the State’s case that on 30 July 2018 at around 2am, Mangena went to Ndlovu’s homestead and forcefully gained entry into the sitting room.

While entering the sitting room, he pushed the sitting room door which made a loud squeaking sound, waking up Ndlovu, who was sleeping in her bedroom.

Ndlovu went to the sitting room to investigate what was happening.

She stumbled upon her neighbour Mangena, who was only wearing a T-shirt, while his trousers and underwear were hanging on the window.

Ndlovu screamed for help which prompted Mangena to flee from the scene. While attempting to flee, Mangena got trapped between the burglar bars with his head outside the window while the rest of the body was inside the room.

Ndlovu assaulted Mangena before screaming for help. Her neighbours came and they also joined in assaulting Mangena.

The matter was reported to the police leading to Mangena’s arrest.

Monica Mungwena appeared for the State.