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My husband is attracted to maids

Sinikiwe Chiota
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AN ENRAGED Bulawayo woman who is also in a beleaguered marriage shamed her husband, accusing him of being a “chronic womaniser” who is sexually attracted to maids.

Sinikiwe Chiota told the court that apart from numerous cases of her husband Tawanda Chiota following women around, he was fond of romping with maids.

She claimed her husband’s penchant for women was psychologically and emotionally abusing her.

“I am married to Tawanda Chiota and the marriage still subsists although we are now living separately. I left the matrimonial home in 2017 because my husband was abusing me. He was verbally and emotionally abusing me.

“He was also having extra-marital affairs. There was a time he went on to sleep with my cousin who was our maid. He also traumatised me when he slept with another maid when I was pregnant.

“I am now staying at my parents’ house and he is coming there on a daily basis to harass me under the pretext that he wants to see the children.

“On 23 February this year he fought with my friend and pelted me with stones. When I asked him why he was always coming to my parents’ place at night to harass me he said he will be coming to see the children,” Sinikiwe said, as she reeled out her grievances before the court.

She went on to beg the court to grant her a protection order that stops her husband from verbally and emotionally abusing her and not to visit her parents’ place where she is staying.

Instead of apologising, Tawanda pulled a shocker when he unashamedly indicated that his wife should come to terms or live with the fact that he flirted with different women.

“I do not deny the accusations she has levelled against me that I am having extra-marital affairs with other women. However, on the allegations that I assaulted her, it’s not true as I only abused her emotionally,” Tawanda brazenly responded much to the chagrin of his wife.

For the sake of maintaining peace and order between the parties, in her ruling the presiding magistrate Nyaradzo Ringisai ordered Tawanda not to verbally and emotionally abuse his wife and not to go to her parents’ house where she is now staying, without her consent.