Grandpa drags baby mama to court

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LOVE is blind and unpredictable!

The statement was proven true last Friday when a granddad in his 70s dragged his baby mama in her 20s to court over a maintenance dispute.

Stephanie Murime took Judith Murekachiro to Mutare Civil Court seeking for a downward variation of his maintenance to $25. He was paying $45 for the upkeep of their child. He claimed that due to his advanced age and the harsh economic environment he could no longer afford to raise the $45 that the court had ordered him to pay monthly.

Baby mama Murekachiro

Murime also claimed that Murekachiro had stopped paying school fees for the child. He added that he was paying the fees in addition to the $45 maintenance fees he was paying.

“I deposit the money in her bank account, but she still fails to pay for the child’s school fees. This is the reason why I pay the school fees myself and at times give her cash,” he said. Murekachiro denied that Murime had been paying school fees overand above the $45 maintenance that the court had ordered him to pay in 2016.

“Your Worship, I can go and get the bank statement that proves that this man has not been paying and is in arrears. If he, however, is having problems in paying maintenance, it can be varied downwards after he clears the arrears,” she begged the court. She also denied that Murime was giving her cash instead of depositing it in the bank as he had implied. Maintenance was, however, varied downwards to $30 since it was clear  that he was failing to pay the $45. Mutare senior magistrate Mr Innocent Bepura advised Murekachiro to make an application that he be arrested and pay the arrears. – Manica Post