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Family friend wrecks marriage

Esnath Kanyama
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A woman who has been a family friend to a married couple in Cowdray Park has reportedly wrecked the couple’s marriage as she snatched the friend’s husband.

Ezra Siwawa (42) and Esnath Kanyama (37) have been happily married since 2005.

The couple is blessed with three children.  But things turned nasty in the family after a woman — Rachel Mpofu (34) — who has been a family friend, and doing business with Siwawa, secretly wormed herself into Siwawa’s heart.

A source close to the couple disclosed that Mpofu started visiting the couple in January this year.

As a result the frequent visits to the couple’s house by Mpofu led Siwawa to be charmed by Mpofu.

The two fell in love behind Kanyama’s back and they reportedly treated the relationship as a friendship.

A family source said Kanyama hardly noticed the flames of love between the two.

“She thought they were just friends as Mpofu would flatter Kanyama by discussing her boyfriends with her (Kanyama). Besides that she would share on how her boyfriends perform in bed,” said a family insider.

However, Kanyama got the shock of her life after she stumbled upon love messages on her husband’s phone.

Kanyama confirmed the sad development in her marriage life.

Rachel Mpofu

Rachel Mpofu

“As I was just browsing messages through my husband’s phone I bumped into love messages, after that I confronted Rachel and she said she wants to “eat” my husband’s money and not to fall in love with him,” said the troubled Kanyama.

Kanyama further said she was now subjected to physical and verbal abuse.

“Ever since I discovered his affair with (Rachel) when he comes home he insults me for no apparent reason and he usually hits me with an electrical cord. As a result of the abuse I have approached the Bulawayo magistrate’s courts for a protection order and they said I should come on 29 December,” said Kanyama.

Contacted for a comment Mpofu said: “ I’ m no longer in love with Siwawa. We have since stopped after his wife (Kanyama) sent me a string of messages insulting me.”

Siwawa denied the allegations. – B-Metro