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Dysfunctional privates torment man

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I CAN’T shoot!

Mgcini Elton Gumbo fears if he does not solve his erectile dysfunction his wife will leave him for good.

The 24-year-old troubled man from Bulawayo’s Sizinda suburb said his problems started two months ago when he was beaten up at a drinking spot.

“I had an argument with a man I met at a bar. After that I went to a nearby bush to relieve myself. While I was urinating he ambushed me and hit me with a log from behind. I fell down and he started hitting and kicking my private parts. He left me struggling to crawl and howling in pain until a passerby came to help me,” said Gumbo.

Since then it has been clinic after clinic in search of medical assistance because every time he tried having sex it just couldn’t happen.

“At first I thought I couldn’t have sex because of the pain. I continuously went to the hospital for medication but now I don’t feel any pain, but still I can’t get an erection,” he said.

Now his marriage of two years that was characterised by a supercharged libido is practically a sleeping town.

“I no longer feel as if I am a man. I was afraid that my wife might leave me because my inability to perform has caused tensions between us. To avoid further embarrassment I told her to go to her parents’ home for a while so that I can have time to seek help,” he said.