gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); 17 year-old drowns self after being dumped by girlfriend – The Zimbabwe Mail

17 year-old drowns self after being dumped by girlfriend

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A 17-YEAR-OLD boy from Springs Farm in Umguza on the outskirts of Bulawayo decided to cut his life short by jumping into a dam and drowning himself after his flame dumped him for an illegal gold miner.
Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

“I can confirm that we are investigating a case about a 17-year-old boy who was found floating at a dam in Springs Farm in Umguza on the outskirts of Bulawayo,” said Insp Ncube.

According to a close family member the deceased Mthabisi Joel Nkiwane got heartbroken after his 16-year-old sweetheart dumped him for an illegal gold miner.

Last week on Sunday Mthabisi, who was still emotionally hurt that the “money man” snatched his girlfriend, left home to get a haircut at a salon at around 11:30AM.

But he never went there – instead he went to a dam!

“His parents got worried after he failed to return on that particular day, they reported the matter to the police. Villagers carried out a manhunt around the village,” said the source.

The source added: “During the search the community members stumbled on his trousers and a cap a few metres away from the dam. Upon checking around they saw the deceased’s lifeless body floating on the water in the dam.”

A source close to investigations said the deceased left a note.

“The note was detailing that he was so heartbroken after his girlfriend that he loved so much dumped him. He could not bear the heart-break and decided to end his life,” said the source close to investigations.

Community members went back to inform the police that they discovered the deceased’s body floating on water in a dam.

Police attended the scene and the Sub Aqua section of Zimbabwe Republic Police retrieved the deceased’s body from the dam.

Source – bmetro