gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe govt warns MDC Alliance against creating anarchy – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe govt warns MDC Alliance against creating anarchy

Kazembe Kazembe
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HARARE – The government has warned the MDC Alliance that it will not tolerate “anarchy” in the country after a senior official from the country’s main opposition party said they will roll out mass demonstrations in light of the deteriorating political and economic climate.

Speaking to the Daily News on Monday, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe warned that the security forces will deal with “rogue” elements bent on fomenting chaos in the country. He said:

The law is very clear, and anyone who breaks it will face the music. We will not tolerate anarchy in the country.

One wonders what the motive of causing chaos in the country is when we are all supposed to be fighting COVID-19.

The entire world is fighting this invisible enemy called COVID-19 at the moment, and the government is equally seized with that.

The law enforcement agents will deal with any rogue elements who may be dreaming of causing lawlessness in the country.

This comes after MDC Alliance vice-chairperson Job Sikhala told the publication over the weekend that “incessant” protests were imminent.

Sikhala accused the ZANU PF government of dereliction of duty and engaging in massive corruption and looting of national resources.

More: Daily News