gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF’s women’s league tells Mnangagwa they are not happy with the economy – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF’s women’s league tells Mnangagwa they are not happy with the economy

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa said Friday his government would announce new measures to address worsening cost of living challenges after the ruling party’s Women’s League told him that the “increase in prices is quite shocking”.

President the league’s report at the ongoing Women’s League national conference in the capital, secretary for women’s affairs Mabel Chinomona chose her words carefully as she questioned repeated insistence by finance minister Professor Mthuli Ncube that the economy’s fundamentals were sound.

Chinomona said although the League was aware the government had fixed the economic fundamentals, “it is surprising that prices continue to rise”.

She added, “The increase in prices is quite shocking.”

Responding, Mnangagwa said the government would on Saturday announce measures to bring relief to the public.

“My government will tomorrow be announcing concrete measures to tame inflation and unwarranted increases in prices towards securing the incomes and savings of our people, particularly women,” the Zanu PF leader said in his address.

Zimbabwe has seen a wave of price increases for basic commodities and fuel in recent months, amid soaring inflation which jumped to 131.7 percent in May, marking the first time in 10 months that the figure rose above 100 percent.

Government health workers, including doctors and nurses, are on strike demanding better pay. The strike, which started Monday, has paralyzed operations at public health institutions.

Zimbabwe’s state-owned telecommunications company TelOne said Friday it is facing viability challenges due to rising inflation.

The general price increases in the market and the rising cost of fuel and power have had a significant impact on the overall cost structure of the company, it said.

Last month, the government lowered tariffs on imported basic commodities in a bid to curb soaring prices. – Newzim