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Zanu PF wins big again in Mutasa by-election

Tafadzwa Mugwadi
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ZANU PF has won resoundingly the Mutasa North, Ward 6 council by-election, reclaiming the ward that was won by the opposition in 2018.

The latest victory by Zanu PF has sent shockwaves in the CCC ahead of next year’s harmonised elections.

Some CCC officials including Mr David Coltart posted on Twitter yesterday wondering how they continue to be pummelled by the revolutionary party.

Zanu PF’s Regina Barara got 1 080 votes, beating Ms Babra Nyamururu of CCC who got 433 votes during the by-election held over the weekend.

The seat fell vacant following the death of CCC councillor, Edward Kavhuru, who passed away following a road accident.

Zanu PF Director of Information and Publicity, Tafadzwa Mugwadi said the result was a mirror of what 2023 holds.

“We have been contested in the past and I must accept that we have had to put every effort to win, but with positive signals coming from these by-election victories, Zanu PF is alone and President Mnangagwa has no serious competitor on the Presidential ballot come 2023,” said Cde Mugwadi.

“Of course, we owe it to President Mnangagwa and in him, we salute a hard-working visionary, a  statesman and servant leader who leads by action, empathy and wisdom.

“The people of Zimbabwe have fallen in love with him and the party because he has delivered and accounted for his Presidency through life-changing and transformative policies that leave no one and no place behind.”

Political analyst Mr Gibson Nyikadzino yesterday said the results indicate that the revolutionary party was not leaving anything to chance, because there is no second place in politics.

“What is also evident is that the Zanu PF establishment cannot be delinked from the people as its message is being understood well by the masses.

“Where Zanu PF wins, the margins are becoming wider and that speaks well of the investment the party is making in terms of mass mobilisation,” he said.

The ruling party continues to make inroads in some of the opposition’s strongholds.

During the March 26 by-elections, Zanu PF reclaimed the Mutasa South Constituency seat that had been won by the opposition in 2018.

Misheck Mugadza of Zanu PF garnered 5 818 votes to beat CCC’s Mr Regai Tsunga, who received 5 296 votes.