gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ZANU PF says it is happy with cell verification update – The Zimbabwe Mail

ZANU PF says it is happy with cell verification update

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ZANU PF National Political Commissar, Dr Mike Bimha says cell building and verification is progressing well with reports expected next week Monday after the end of the process.

The revolutionary ZANU PF party is almost through with the cell building and verification exercise as per its constitutional requirement.

This exercise is meant to come up with authentic cells, which will be transformed into the party’s voters’ roll during primary elections.

Updating journalists on the process, Dr Bimha said everything is going smoothly and the process will end this week.

‘‘Cell building and verification is very important, to comply with the constitutional mandate, we need authentic cells which we will use as voters roll in the primary elections. We have teams focusing on verification to make sure that the work being done is up to standard. Initially, we had scheduled from 19-25th of February, we extended to the 3rd of March owing to incessant rains and other reasons.’’

Dr Bimha also noted that dates for primary elections are not yet out.

‘‘We want to have primary elections early but dates will be decided by the party leadership in due course. We urge our supporters to continue registering to vote.’’

ZANU PF is targeting more than five million votes in the forthcoming harmonised elections. – ZBC