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Vimbai Funeral: Chamisa offers olive branch to Khupe

Thokozani Khupe
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MDC leader Nelson Chamisa has extended an olive branch to MDC-T President Dr Thokozani Khupe and told her that she is wanted inside the MDC family and one day they will unite.

Chamisa was speaking at the funeral of the late Vimbai Tsvangirai Java at the City Sports Stadium.

Said Chamisa, “I honour you Dr Khupe. Dr Khupe once more I salute. You were my Deputy Prime Minister while I was Minister, you were my Vice President while I was your Spokesperson.

“Yesterday I told Dr Khupe yesterday that we will unite one day. The Seniority of Dr Khupe is not defined by Congress and her seniority is not questionable.”

Chamisa also invited on stage Douglas Mwonzora and  Elias Mudzuri and told the mourners that they are very senior in the party.

Watch the video below:

Source – Byo24News