gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Man threatened with death for criticizing Joana Mamombe, goes into hiding – The Zimbabwe Mail

Man threatened with death for criticizing Joana Mamombe, goes into hiding

Gondai Ronald Bangidza, a resident in a suburb in Harare West, has received death threats.
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A RESIDENT of Harare West has gone into hiding following a brutal altercation with youths aligned to area Member of Parliament Joana Mamombe, who have threatened him with death for criticizing the legislator’s performance since being voted in.

Mamombe replaced Jessie Majome, a lawyer and MDC founding member who has since left opposition politics and joined the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).

Gondai Ronald Bangidza, a resident in a suburb in Harare West, has appealed to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) to protect him as he is a victim of political persecution and his life is in danger.

In an interview with the Zimbabwe Voice Wednesday, Bangidza who is in hiding said his only crime was to talk to his friends in a public place that Mamombe had not performed as per his expectations since she won the seat in 2018.

“On Saturday, 27 February 2021, I was discussing with my friends at Mabelreign shops that Mamombe hasn’t performed up to my expectations. I was overheard by youths loyal to Mamombe who accused me of criticizing the owner of the area,” Bangidza said.

“They physically manhandled me and threatened to assault me for my honest opinion. They further warned me that if ever I report to the police, they would unleashes hell on me or even kill me.”

For that reason, Bangidza said he now lives in fear, looking over his should all the time as if he committed a crime.

“I fear violence from these people as they vowed to harm me,” he said from an undisclosed location, saying he was in hiding and afraid of reporting to the police.

Bangidza has since written to the ZLHR seeking assistance to sue Mamombe, saying she was responsible for the actions of her supporters. His letter pleading for help was presented to the ZLHR this Wednesday morning by a colleague as he says he remains in hiding.

Reached for comment on the matter, Mamombe’s phone was answers by one Emily who said she was busy with her constituency matters and if ever she committed a crime, police knew where to get her.

Opposition LEAD president Linda Masarira, who is also a resident of Harare West constituency, called on Mamombe to show leadership and stop the abuse of a resident and potential voter.

“Violence should never be used by any Zimbabweans to silence dissenting voices. The moment violence is used, there is no peace and we lose the whole focus of the struggle.

“Joana Mamombe, my MP, show leadership and stop the abuse against your fellow member in Mabelreign,” said Masarira.

Human Rights defender Abigail Mupambi urged ZLHR to step in and act on the matter. – Zimbabwe Voice