gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mudzuri can challenge Chamisa at Congress- MDC Spokesperson – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mudzuri can challenge Chamisa at Congress- MDC Spokesperson

MDC A vice president Elias Mudzuri
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MASVINGO— MDC Alliance vice president Elias Mudzuri’s hopes of contesting his boss Nelson Chamisa at the October congress lyes in the hands of provinces who are said to have the power to nominate or shut him out from the presidency.

MDC Alliance national spokesperson Jacob Mafume said people who say Chamisa is shutting the door on competition are not genuine party cadres saying real party people know how the procedure goes.

“Real MDC cadres know the proper procedure. Those who say Chamisa is blocking other members from contesting the presidency at congress are not our people.

“The process starts by nomination at provinces and the nominations are not yet open. We do it publicly because we are a democratic party. The nomination process is opened two or three months before congress so who is being shut out and how do they know they will be nominated. Our congress starts from the grassroots.

“You cannot go about complaining that I am being shut out when you don’t know if you will be nominated. Chamisa will not bar anyone because the power comes from the provinces. The provinces will determine who contests Chamisa at congress in October,” said Mafume.

“There is no door being shut on anybody and people should be calm. People should invest all that energy in fostering unity in the party as we push forward in reclaiming our stolen election victory.

MDC Alliance cadres should focus on strengthening the party not jostling for positions which are not even there yet.

“You may be hyped by the wrong people and end up believing you have power which is not there so we need to keep our eyes on the ball,” he added.

Chamisa and Mudzuri are said to have buried the hatchet but it is reported that there are underground manoeuvres by the Mudzuri loyalists to have him nominated to contest Chamisa.

Mudzuri is said to have aligned himself with secretary general Douglas Mwonzora who is believed to be protecting people who should be fired for defying party directives in a calculated move to strengthen Mudzuri’s footing. – Mail & Telegraph