gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Moyo using Zhuwao’s wife, Kasukuwere’s brother for destabilisation and terror plots – The Zimbabwe Mail

Moyo using Zhuwao’s wife, Kasukuwere’s brother for destabilisation and terror plots

Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere
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Former cabinet minister and G40 mastermind Professor Jonathan Moyo is alleged to be setting up various structures in order to deny power to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s new administration.

Moyo is alleged to be coordinating with former Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Patrick Zhuwao’s wife Beauty and Tongai Kasukuwere, brother to Saviour and a former high-ranking Zanu-PF Youth League member.

The state-owned Sunday News reports that a source told them:

I was approached to be part of the team co-ordinating the project on the ground. Due to emotions, during the first days, I bought into the idea but later realised that we were on a wild goose chase. While I was still in it, Prof Moyo spoke about establishing think-tanks, NGOs and externally-funded media organisations to ratchet up pressure against the new Government.

He promised that he would use his American connections to source funding for these structures. I actually think he already has some funding. He also told us that the main focus of the project would be Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland Central and so he further suggested that besides the MDC-T, we should reach out to Mai Mujuru’s party,

Prof Moyo’s idea was not to win power but to deny it to the new Government. What created more problems is that Prof Moyo is holed up in Kenya while quite a number of G40 members are in South Africa.

More: Sunday News