gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); More woes as Bhasikiti dumps Chamisa, joins Mwonzora – The Zimbabwe Mail

More woes as Bhasikiti dumps Chamisa, joins Mwonzora

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VaBhasikiti mavakupinda mubhasikiti ripi zvino? – Former Minister Kudakwashe Bhasikiti has announced he has ditched his boss, Nelson Chamisa for Douglas Mwonzora.

When President Chamisa met ex G40 members Former provincial commissars for Harare Shadreck Mashayombe, Jeppy Jaboon, Masvingo and Kudakwashe Bhasikiti .They have joined MDC Alliance. Former minister Walter Mzembi and the other team to join before the week ends, according to party sources.

Writing on his Twitter portal on Thursday, Bhasikiti said Mwonzora now runs MDC Alliance and MDC T.

He wrote saying (unedited print),” Like it or not it is true.All those MPs&Senators currently in Parliament under MDC-A are an open witness. MAY YOU KNOW ALL YOU MEN&WOMEN NOW,AM NO LOGGER A MEMBER OF MDCA.