gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa’s ally causes terror in Muzarabani – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa’s ally causes terror in Muzarabani

Zhemu Soda
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MINISTER of Energy Zhemu Soda who is also Muzarabani North legislator is allegedly abusing president Emmerson Mnangagwa’s name ahead of the looming District coordinating committee (DCC) elections where he is eying the chairmanship of Muzarabani district.

Soda is allegedly blocking any member who is aspiring to be a chairperson by saying Mnangagwa ordered him not to be contested.

Christopher Chitindi is also eying the same post and rift has widened in Muzarabani among Zanu PF party members.

Party members who spoke to NewsDay claimed Soda is desperate to have a post as he is just a card holder.

“Soda took advantage of his appointment by the president as Minister and is causing terror by forcing members to like him or risk being expelled from the party on factional grounds, said the source.

“Chitindi is also having non of those as he is being supported by aspiring provincial chairperson James Makamba.”

Contacted for comment  Soda tried to downplay the story saying people are jealous of his appointment.

“People are just jealous of my appointment and cooking stories there was a fake letter on social media written by misguided members in our district just to soil my name,”Soda said.

A political analyst Givemore Chivhamba said Mnangagwa should have people with electorate not just appointments if he is to win the 2023 elections.

“This DCC is going to weaken Zanu PF more because those who are claiming to be Mnangagwa’s people are not people’s favourites and if Mnangagwa wants a sweep over in 2023 he should put people with more votes not those who just say l came from his do not contest me,” Chivhamba said.

Meanwhile, other districts like Mazowe and Rushinga are having serious fights since speculation is high that G40 cabals are still wielding power in these districts.

Source – Byo24