gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mash Central resembles a warzone as Zanu PF internal violence escalates – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mash Central resembles a warzone as Zanu PF internal violence escalates

Zanu PF volence
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FACTIONALISM within the ruling Zanu PF has reared its ugly head, resulting in the emergence of a terror group calling itself Boko Haram in Mashonaland Central province, Zim Morning Post has heard.

Since the chaotic 2018 Zanu PF primary elections, Mashonaland Central has become the ruling party’s factional hotbed.

Boko Haram is said to terrorise villagers and residents in areas like Mazowe, Concession, and Glendale causing massive havoc.

“Boko Haram is wrecking havoc in the province.

“They are going around threatening people, beating them up, looting shops and raiding artisanal miners,” said our source.

The gang leader was only identified as Muwandi and he claims to be Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe’s bouncer, said our source.

However, Kazembe is on record disowning rogue party supporters who are fond of name dropping, purporting to be his associates.

Our sources revealed that the worst-hit area is Dandamera in Concession and some gang members threatened people in a WhatsApp group called Mazowe Gango.

“Dandamera district makanyanya muri vatengesi mose tichakubatai zivai kuti tokubatai (Dandamera residents you are sell outs, we will come after you),” wrote one gang member identified as Milisawu.

Insiders say Former minister Fortune Chasi was threatened and left the group.

On October 26 a police report was made at Concession after a member of the Boko Haram gang assaulted Paul Kasvosve.

A medical report seen by the Zim Morning Post notes that Kasvosve was seriously assaulted.

A police report has since been filed but Mike Ngoma was still walking scot free at the time of writing. Boko Haram’s reign of terror has emasculated the police to the extent that the gang members have become immune to justice.

The development is a manifestation of factionalism in the ruling party ahead of the provincial DCC elections.

The two main warring factions are led by Kazembe and Grain Millers of Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) president Tafadzwa Musarara.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has however issued a stern warning to cadres who fan factionalism in the revolutionary party. – Source: Zim Morning Post