gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Khupe mistaken Chamisa’s lawyer for Mnangagwa’s Tabani Mpofu to instigate Mwonzora arrest – The Zimbabwe Mail

Khupe mistaken Chamisa’s lawyer for Mnangagwa’s Tabani Mpofu to instigate Mwonzora arrest

Thabani Mpofu
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Advocate Thabani Mpofu, Nelson Chamisa’s lawyer, says he got a call from MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe seeking “my assistance” on her party’s congress after mistaking him with his namesake Thabani Vusa Mpofu, who works in President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s office.

Said Advocate Mpofu, “The fact that I “almost” share a name with ED’s Tabani Vusa Mpofu has led to interesting confusion in the past. Today I got a call from Mama Khupe, wanting “my” assistance with the ongoing congress. I hope she finally managed to talk to the right person and was duly assisted.”

Source – Byo24