gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Kasukuwere is coming to Zimbabwe, says ally – The Zimbabwe Mail

Kasukuwere is coming to Zimbabwe, says ally

Saviour Kasukuwere
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HARARE – Despite facing another court challenge aimed at barring independent presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere from contesting in the upcoming elections, his spokesperson, Jacqueline Sande, stated that Kasukuwere is expected to return to Zimbabwe soon to commence his campaign.

Sande dismissed the efforts by Zanu-PF to block Kasukuwere’s candidacy, asserting that he is fully prepared for the race.

Sande mentioned that Kasukuwere’s team received another court challenge from George Master, who seeks to remove Kasukuwere as a candidate in the presidential elections. However, Sande expressed confidence that these court cases are mere intimidation tactics aimed at deterring Kasukuwere and his campaign, and they will not impact his candidature.

Previously, immediately after filing his Nomination Court papers at the High Court, Kasukuwere faced a court challenge from Lovedale Mangwana, a Zanu-PF youth. Mangwana claimed that Kasukuwere should not be retained on the voter’s roll since he had been absent from his constituency for more than 18 consecutive months.

The court case regarding Kasukuwere’s eligibility has been postponed to July 7, 2023, to allow all parties to submit their documents and arguments.

As the situation develops, it is important to stay updated on any further court rulings and developments regarding Kasukuwere’s candidacy and the upcoming presidential elections in Zimbabwe.