gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); G40 re-groups Prof Moyo-Kasukuwere twin-tag plans Mnangagwa onslaught – The Zimbabwe Mail

G40 re-groups Prof Moyo-Kasukuwere twin-tag plans Mnangagwa onslaught

Jonathan Moyo, Jasukuwere and Patrick Zhuwao
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Exiled former cabinet Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo on Sunday extended an invitation to Saviour Kasukuwere to join him in the fight against ZANU PF in defence of Nelson Chamisa’s claim that he was rigged of 2018 Presidential elections.

“The best way of challenging this unreformable monster called Zanu-PF, run by the unrepentant evil Gukurahundists led by Mnangagwa and Chiwenga, is to support the people whose popular will expressed on 30 July 2018 was murderously stolen by the Army on 1 August 2018.”Moyo to Kasukuwere.

Asked by one Miriam Mutizwa on why the Constitutional Court denied Chamisa the alleged victory Prof Moyo said, “Because Malaba is part of the rot!”

Kasukuwere had earlier on threatened to fight ZANU PF after media reported that the state wanted to attach his property because the lawmaker had skipped bail.

“I said it will be rough, but it’s gonna be rougher but thereafter we will have a ZW we all want. This monopoly and idiocy shall be challenged. With or without,2 023 is coming. Tatamba zvakwana!” Kasukuwere had threatened.

Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa reminded Kasukuwere that he was a victim of his own method of expelling people from the party.

“Sekuru you recall when we were expelled I stressed the importance of having a Leader who would unite everyone&warned you against expelling people as it would also haunt you 1 day. The same has happened, “Gamatox” was a victim then&”Lacoste” and “G40” were friends, what went wrong?

“Maybe that’s where we need to start from to rebuild this country&the reconciliation we talk about. Was “Gamatox” really wrong? Everybody needs to be brought back on board and have a fresh start, it’s the best opportunity ZANU-PF has to rebuild itself and the country.”