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Dirty Money Destabilising MDC: Chamisa Spokesperson Claims

Zimbabwe's main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa speaks during an interview at his offices in Harare. File picture: Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/AP
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MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa’s spokesperson, Jacob Mfume claims that dirty money is being used to destabilise his party. There are fears that ZANU PF is financing factions within MDC.

Reports  indicate that MDC has postponed its congress which was supposed to be held in March next year to between October and December. According to a Daily News report, Mafume said

There is dirty money circulating … we know all this and some are now campaigning, but these are premature campaigns. The fact is, the date for our Congress is between October to December next year. We had our last congress in 2014, so the Congress is not due yet by any imagination.

We know that there are some people who are being sponsored by Zanu PF to destabilise the party through early congress calls.

More: Daily News