gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa dumps much respected Gladys Hlatshwayo – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa dumps much respected Gladys Hlatshwayo

Gladys Hlatshwayo, Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti
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CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa has reportedly listed five women that he said must have automatic entry into the parliamentary race for Harare constituencies which he deems safe.

According to the source, Chamisa directed that party’s Candidate Independent Selection Panel (CISP) to disqualify that party’s secretary for international relations, Gladys Hlatshwayo because of her alleged questionable loyalty to him.

According to the source, Chamisa directed that CISP should first consider Fadzai Mahere, Maureen Kademaunga, Cecilia Chimbiri, Joanna Mamombe and one Mai Musonza to represent that party in safe constituencies.

Chamisa said that Hlatshwayo was not yet ripe to represent CCC in any election because of her questionable loyalty to the party. The source added that Chimbiri and Kademaunga had approached Chamisa and convinced him to throw Hlatshwayo to the dust bin.

Moreso, Mamombe, who was reportedly aligned to the Sesedza movement, a faction opposed to Chamisa’s leadership, went and apologized to the CCC leader and begged Chamisa to have mercy on her.

Furthermore, the source disclosed that Chamisa continued to run that CCC party without any formal structures and a constitution. The party is financially broke and does not have a party driven fundraising strategy (the Americans will not fund something they feel is a lost cause).

“There are no formally recognised national leadership positions, except his role as the president of CCC and those he has appointed into positions such as the party spokesperson Mahere, her deputy Gift Siziba and other functionaries,” the source said.

Source – online