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Chamisa, Biti tiff downplayed by MDC Alliance chairperson

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BULAWAYO – MDC Alliance national Chairperson Thabhita Khumalo has said there is no pandemonium in the party’s cockpit between MDC-Alliance president Nelson Chamisa and his deputy Tendai Biti as the purported fights between the two are a fictitious creation of a desperate Zanu-PF regime.

“That type of language is not part of the MDC A led by Adv Nelson Chamisa vocabulary if we have disputes in our party we do not carry out the hearings in the public media as we have channels to do the same as enshrined in our Party Constitution all these stories  about factionalism in our Party are sleeping pills for the powers that be that are failing to halt Zimbabwe which is going nowhere slowly,” she said while addressing journalists in Kwekwe Saturday.

Khumalo instead said the MDC Alliance was making preparations to form the next government come 2023, adding the party was not going to drop the Alliance name.

“On the name change what will be the reason to do so as the Alliance was a congress resolution. Instead preparations are on going under the Covid rules which are selective. As there  is no landscape to talk about as Zanu-PF is clogging every space to no avail,”  she said.

She added that MDC Alliance has strategies to wrest powers from Zanu-PF, “but you know that strategies are not for public consumption”.

“As a party we have been demanding for electoral reforms for as long as l can remember 2023 elections are not about us alone we need every Zimbabwean eligible to vote to make sure they are registered and everyone of us is now an mobiliser for a better Zimbabwe. The MDC Alliance led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa is a people’s movement whose roots are in the people  honestly how then can roots starve to death when they are the distributors of food.

MDC Alliance is a household name home and away the people will take care of their Party as they are the most important resources.  Zimbabwe belongs to every Zimbabwean each one of us has a say on how we are governed nothing about Zimbabweans without their input. MDC Alliance is a People driven Party that is why we are denied our right to gather as our actions have proven that the ground is ready for 2023 and with a bang and President Chamisa is the one to implement the generation consensus to move our country to dizzy heights,” she said.

Khumalo further said MDC-Alliance was not going to join Polad.

“POLAD is a group of fake leaders who have no respect of the people whom they claim voted them into whilst taking away their dignities which unfortunately they cant touch as that is All Zimbabweans are left with.

As a Party one of our demands is the respect of the rule of law and we still stand by that all Govt Institutions have been captured and triumphant Zimbabweans have refused to be captured and as a Party we are guided by the Courts of the Public as that is where we derive our mandate,” she said.

Source – The Standard