gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); All eyes on explosive Parliamentary debate on delimitation report on Friday – The Zimbabwe Mail

All eyes on explosive Parliamentary debate on delimitation report on Friday

Pupurai Togarepi
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Parliamentary Ad-hoc Committee is finalising the analysis of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC)’s preliminary delimitation report after which it will be debated in parliament from this Friday.

A 13-member parliamentary ad-hoc committee that was put in place by the legislative house to analyze and unpack the ZEC delimitation report is now finalising and scrutinising the document after receiving input from legislators and other relevant stakeholders.

The Ad-hoc committee’s Chairperson, Pupurai Togarepi this Tuesday gave an update on the progress in the analysis of the report by parliament.

“We sat to look at the report and invited members of parliament to bring their concerns and observations of the report. We also looked at the technical part. We invited a consultant. Experts on geographical boundaries. By end of the day Wednesday we will have put together views and analysis of the report,” he said.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) submitted the preliminary delimitation report to President Emmerson Mnangagwa late last month, who then summoned parliament for an extraordinary sitting to debate the contents of the report in line with the constitution.

The report was then tabled before Parliament last Friday before the debate was adjourned to the 13th.