HARARE – MDC president Morgan Tsvangirai on Sunday spoke to Studio 7’s Blessing Zulu ahead of the voter registration blitz that kicks off today.
Q: What’s your message to Zimbabweans on the voter registration blitz?
A: I am saying to the people of Zimbabwe, 2018 is the only opportunity we have to change the direction in which the country is going. The first thing is that everyone should register (to vote). I have registered. I am appealing especially to the youth please let’s go and register, it’s better to register and then decide who to vote for after you have registered. But what I am encouraging is that everyone should go and register…We can’t continue to cry and cry. Let’s go and register to vote.
Q: Young people have been refraining from voting on the basis that results are always rigged and nothing changes, what can you tell them?
A: You can’t say you will be cheated before you are cheated. As a party, we have learnt many lessons all these years. Zanu is determined to rig but we are also determined to make sure this time around we have to shortchange them.
So people cannot just start saying Zanu cheats without doing anything. We actually want people to vote in their numbers. So, young people, I say to you, go and register to vote for their future. What we are doing is for them. It’s for their future. I am encouraging them to register to vote.
Q: If everyone registers to vote, like you are saying, are you confident that the MDC Alliance will triumph?
A: The MDC Alliance is the only platform we have to bring everyone together. This is not for MDC but for every Zimbabwean.
This convergence cuts across political parties. Of course, we are political parties, but we are saying beyond political parties, churches, students, vendors and everyone should rally behind this issue of the alliance. Not to be behind the alliance is simply saying Zanu should win. That is not what we want.
Q: When do you see yourself finalising on coalition talks?
A: It’s an ongoing process, just recently we had a retreat of political parties. Tichionesana kuti ava vanosimbisa papi and so forth.
So tirukuti isusu, patinosangana pandichadzoka apa, to concretise this alliance. This is the only hope we have. What else do we have? Either people want to support Zanu PF or they want to support an alliance of all opposition parties.
Q: There has been talk of who leads the party in your absence. There was talk of misunderstandings among Thokozani Khupe, Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri. Who should be acting president?
A: Nhai, nhai, nhai, musangano wakarongeka ungaite nharo dzakadaro? Our party is very clear it has a constitution, it is very clear, and they know who should be acting (president).
Q: Is it Khupe?
A: No I can’t say ndiani, ivo vanozviziva ava three, handinga fambe ndichitaura kuti ndiani, ndiani, ivo vanozviziva kuti ndiani. And they don’t have to be told. It’s there in the constitution. Do we have to reprint things over and over again?
Q: Aliens are finding it difficult to register to vote, how do you see this?
A: This is one of the issues that should be addressed. The Constitution is very clear, every Zimbabwean should vote. Weather their parents were born out of the country or not, as long as they are Zimbabwean they have the right to vote. – Daily News