gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean ruling party says it supports new Zambian govt – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean ruling party says it supports new Zambian govt

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ZANU PF has reiterated its commitment to work with Zambia’s ruling party, the United Party for National Development (UNPD), to help foster close cooperation on matters of mutual interest.

Since UPND took over power in Zambia last month, there have been attempts by some quarters to drive a wedge between the two parties.

In a statement, ZANU PF secretary for administration Dr Obert Mpofu said the revolutionary party respects Zambia’s sovereignty.

“From the outset, His Excellency, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, gave outright support to an absolute constitutional execution of the recent Zambian election. To this end, the First Secretary and President of ZANU PF, Cde ED Mnangagwa, was an instrumental arbiter in influencing the then incumbent Cde Edgar Lungu to concede to the winds of change,” said Dr Mpofu.

“Guided by our President’s symbolic gestures in endorsing the will of the people in Zambia, it would be remiss for anyone to think that ZANU PF has an unexpressed sense of resentment about the outcome of Zambia’s recent plebiscite.

“It must be underscored that ZANU PF is a pro-democracy adherent party.

“Also worth underscoring is our total respect for the sovereignty of other fellow African nations.”

The ruling party said it has no business in attacking neighbouring states.

ZANU PF, Dr Mpofu added, had deep-rooted connections to Zambia.

“Our consistency in this respect has a clear historical track record anchored on the diplomatic relations, which Zimbabwe has enjoyed between the interval political epochs of Father Kenneth Kaunda and Edgar Lungu’s reign.

“We have been consistent in meeting all our diplomatic obligations with the Republic of Zambia with no bias exertions on any of Zambia’s Heads of State over the years.

“Our seasoned political experience would never permit us to be drawn to the narrow preferential sentimentalism on whoever is the President of Zambia or not.”

He said the story of Zimbabwe’s liberation could not be complete without taking into account Zambia’s contribution. – Sunday Mail