gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe House gives President powers to deploy army against protesters – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe House gives President powers to deploy army against protesters

An armoured personnel carrier stations by an intersection as Zimbabwean soldiers regulate traffic in Harare on November 15, 2017. Zimbabwe's military appeared to be in control of the country on November 15 as generals denied staging a coup but used state television to vow to target "criminals" close to President Mugabe. / AFP PHOTO / Jekesai NJIKIZANA (Photo credit should read JEKESAI NJIKIZANA/AFP/Getty Images)
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The House of Senate has given green light to the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill that empowers President Emmerson Mnangagwa to deploy details of the army in the event of a violent protest breaking out.
Giving an update Deputy Government Spokesperson Energy Mutodi said, “The Maintenance of Peace and Order bill has been tabled in the Senate with most senators in support of the bill especially the clause that allows the President to deploy the army in the event of violent protests. Conveners of violent protests will also be liable if property is damaged.”

Hon. Dr Energy Mutodi (PhD)@energymutodi

The Maintenance of Peace & Order bill has been tabled in the Senate with most senators in support of the bill esp. the clause that allows the President to deploy the army in the event of violent protests. Conveners of violent protests will also be liable if property is damaged.

Government has argued that the successor law to the Public Order and Security Act (Posa), which will be promulgated soon, will further open up democratic space by entrenching the right to demonstrate and present petitions, among other far-reaching freedoms that Government is determined to promote.

It is believed that the Maintenance of Peace and Order (Mopo) Bill will also align the law to several Constitutional Court rulings that outlawed Section 27 of Posa, which allows police to issue a temporary prohibition order on holding of public demonstrations in cases where there is a likelihood for public violence.

Source – Byo24