Uproar over Tendai Biti’s remarks on Welshman Ncube

Tendai Biti and Prof. Welshman Ncube
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HARARE – CCC Vice President Tendai Biti has come under fire social media users who accusing of suggesting that his co-Vice President Professor Welshman displayed passive conduct during rallies literally leading to the party losing Tsholotsho South constituency.

In a series of tweets thanking those that assisted the party to win elections, Biti said Professor Ncube waved from afar during the whole campaign process.

Said Biti, “We are also greatly indebted to the many friends we have who kept pushing us , even when the odds appeared impossible.President @nelsonchamisa who kept on pushing @daddyhope  who asked tough questions @JobSikhala1 who plunged into the trenches& @Welshman_Ncube who waved from afar.”

Entrepreneur and activist Shephard Dube said the statement was, “utter nonsense by the tribalistic core of CC. They suffer from delusions of grandeur and gross entitlement.”

Businessman Nodumo Nyathi said the Harare leadership of CCC must desist from treating themselves as leaders of the people of Bulawayo.

“At the end there were double candidates and Hlabano their choice not Mganwini choice lost. Past weeks there has been so much inflammatory messages towards Welshman Ncube and others. Please fix this thing of Harare being masters of our destiny. Respect us…”

Commenting on the issue, former MDC Spokesperson Gabriel Chaibva said the opposition had a trend of starting internal fights every time soon after an election is over.

“The opposition has a tendency of fighting especially during their post election analysis. This is why Welshman formed MDCN, Biti the orange party, Wiwa mdc1999, Morgen Tsvangirai MDCT. It’s traditional, iIknow its going to happen again now that the by election is over. Watch the space.” Said Chaibva.