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Suspended Zanu PF speaks on joining MDC

President Emmerson Mnangagwa and suspended Zanu PF Youths leader Lewis Matutu
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HARARE – Suspended Zanu PF Youth League executives Pupurai Togarepi (56), Lewis Matutu and Godfrey Tsenengamu said they will abide by the Politburo’s decision to demote them from their positions.

On Wednesday, the Politburo removed Togarepi as the party’s secretary for Youth Affairs, and suspended for a year, his deputy Matutu and Tsenengamu was the Youth League Secretary for Commissariat.

In separate interviews with the State media this morning, Togarepi said he respects the decision taken by the party leadership to demote him from his position.

“I am a cadre of the party and I respect the decision of the party. I am a steward servant of the party and I serve at the pleasure of the President who appointed me to that position. The party is supreme and I’m therefore guided accordingly. I will continue to serve my party with the commitment and unquestionable loyalty expected of every cadre of the revolutionary party.

“I grew up in this party and I respect its decision,” he said.

Matutu said he respects the decision taken by the Politburo to suspend him.

“I remain loyal to the party and its leadership. I will never ever join any political party, which is not Zanu PF. Social media was awash with reports that I am joining MDC-A. Why should I join MDC-A. I am a Zanu PF card carrying member and I am ready to serve the party at any capacity as assigned by President Mnangagwa and party leadership.”