THE splinter People’s Democratic Party (PDP) led by Lucia Matibenga says it is optimistic that People’s Rainbow Coalition (PRC) presidential candidate, Joice Mujuru will win this year’s presidential elections if electoral reforms are implemented before the polls.
PDP vice-president, Sikhumbuzo Ndiweni told Southern Eye they were confident Mujuru would win if the military stays out of the electoral process and citizens are allowed to freely express themselves in a free and fair environment.
“Mujuru will come first if there is no abuse of State machinery and resources to campaign for a factional Zanu PF,” he said, adding the media must be allowed to operate freely and international observers invited.
Ndiweni also said if vote buying using food, inputs and other incentives is stopped, PRC’s chances to win will further be increased.
“Without rigging, Mujuru and PRC will win Mashonaland East, Central and West. The other three competitors will split Harare, Bulawayo and other cities, with Mujuru in the lead, followed by Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC-T) and Emmerson Mnangagwa (Zanu PF) coming as the third,” he said.
Ndiweni said Mnangagwa and Zanu PF were likely to fare badly in the region because of their failure to address the contentious Gukurahundi issue.
“In Midlands and Masvingo, it’s 40%, 30% and 30 split, with MDC Alliance taking the lead. This will only happen if the MDC Alliance does not implode before election due to Tsvangirai’s failure to unite and give guidance to his dwindling party,” he said.
“A run-off will be necessary only if MDC limps the way it is doing till elections. If they implode or split, then Mujuru and PRC will automatically inherit those votes and win by huge margins.
“Now, after loss, the army faction will blame Mnangagwa and condemn him to pension and take over, not realising it will be the end of Zanu PF. So this election, without fear or favour, is pregnant with a possibility of a Mujuru victory and birth of real Zimbabwe.
“The taking over of reins (of power) is guaranteed by the fact that PRC, Zimbabwe, Sadc, South Africa and the international community can’t afford a successive third coup in a row, first Tsvangirai in 2008, Mugabe in 2017; in 2018 (Zimbabwe) Defence Forces have no ace card.”
PRC comprises of PDP, Mujuru’s National People’s Party and a few other smaller parties. Tsvangirai leads the MDC Alliance, whose partners include Tendai Biti’s PDP, Transform Zimbabwe led by Jacob Ngarivhume and Welshman Ncube’s MDC. – News Day