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Mnangagwa Threatens to Expose Allies Sabotaging His Work

Emmerson MnangagwaPhotographer: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg
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Harare, Zimbabwe – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reiterated his administration’s commitment to uncovering and addressing elements that undermine the country’s people-centred policies.

Speaking at the burial of national hero Ezekiel Chaunoita at the National Heroes Acre, Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of unity and collective effort in sustaining Zimbabwe’s development.

“Let us stay on this path, working together in unity and common purpose. Rogue and retrogressive elements undermining our broad, people-centered policies will continue to be exposed as our revolution advances. Forward ever, backward never,” said the President.

Mnangagwa called for the preservation and consolidation of Zimbabwe’s independence, urging citizens to honor Chaunoita and other veterans by continuing to build the nation. “Let us continue to build our country brick-by-brick, stone-upon-stone, as masters of our destiny, upheld by the sacrifices of our forebears,” he stated.

Addressing the youth, the President highlighted their critical role in driving industrialization, modernization, and economic growth.

“I call upon the youth to emulate the selfless sacrifices of the liberation fighters. You have the duty to accelerate the modernization, industrialization, and growth of our economy. Reject those who seek to undermine our independence and sovereignty through deceit,” he urged.

Mnangagwa also encouraged the country’s security personnel to draw inspiration from Chaunoita’s dedication. “Officers in our Intelligence, Defence, and Security Sector should draw inspiration from Chaunoita’s traits of persistence, patriotism, and selflessness. He never wavered in his service to our nation,” he said.

Describing Chaunoita as a humble and committed cadre dedicated to the emancipation of oppressed Zimbabweans, Mnangagwa praised his high sense of responsibility and exemplary leadership. “As head of military and civil intelligence and later as Minister of State Security, Chaunoita’s loyalty was unquestionable,” he remarked.

The President offered his condolences to the Chaunoita family, acknowledging the late hero’s significant contributions. “The nation has lost a loyal patriot and upright leader. His humble and unassuming demeanor will remain etched in our memories.

On behalf of the nation, I express my deepest condolences to the Chaunoita family. Our prayers and sympathies are with you during this difficult period,” he said.

Chaunoita’s liberation journey was marked by consistency and dedication. Despite being ADC to the late Vice President Muzenda, his security responsibilities were expanded due to his loyalty and leadership acumen. He was part of the team escorting General Tongogara when he tragically died in a car accident.

The burial was attended by Vice Presidents Dr. Constantino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi, Cabinet Ministers, Zanu PF Politburo members, senior Government officials, the Chaunoita family, and mourners from various sectors of society.