gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Makandiwa backtracks on Covid vaccines, urges loyalists to get vaccinated – The Zimbabwe Mail

Makandiwa backtracks on Covid vaccines, urges loyalists to get vaccinated

Emmanuel Makndiwa
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United Family International Church founder and leader, Emmanuel Makandiwa, has given the green light to COVID-19 vaccination, for those under pressure to do so due to work and business demands, TechMagTV reported.

In what appeared to be a softening of his stance against the COVID-19 vaccination, the self-styled prophet has offered conditional acceptance of the controversial vaccine.

Speaking in a televised broadcast on Sunday morning, the megachurch pastor said he was concerned about people who could lose jobs and many human rights privileges, hence the need for adherence.

Makandiwa said the vaccine itself was not injected with any microchip for 666, yet he maintained it was part of the system for the new world order.

The number 666, or the Mark of the Beast is a cryptic mark in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation which indicates allegiance to Satan.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, some conspiracy theorists in Christendom have interpreted masks and vaccines as the mark of the beast.

As governments across the world and companies are limiting privileges to the unvaccinated, Makandiwa said that the decision to vaccinate must be a personal one. He said: I advise you to consult your doctor on the best decision on vaccination, I also do have doctors, I believe in them…, they alone are the best people to give you advice on your medical issues… they must check and confirm if your health is good enough for the vaccine.

The message was a serious climb down from his initial cautionary message that discouraged the inoculation.

Makandiwa however, questioned world authorities why they would continue vaccinating people who have recovered from COVID-19, as they would have developed natural immunity against the coronavirus.

Medical experts however have stated that the natural immunity lasts not more than 6 months, a claim that is still debatable.

More: TechMagTV