gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Cracks emerge in Mnangagwa’s govt as Deputy Information Minister savages his boss – The Zimbabwe Mail

Cracks emerge in Mnangagwa’s govt as Deputy Information Minister savages his boss

Energy Mutodi
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DEPUTY information minister Energy Mutodi has hit out at his boss Monica Mutsvangwa, accusing the latter of to force his removal from the ministry.

Mutodi, also a sungura musician and businessman, is facing assault charges after he reportedly attacked his driver.

The driver, Witness Mazarura, says the Goromonzi North legislator assaulted him after he asked for salary arrears dating back to 2017.

Mutodi then took to twitter to claim that minister Mutsvangwa was working with the driver in a bid to oust him as deputy minister.

“Minister Monica Mutsvangwa is working with a rouge driver who is claiming to have been assaulted by me,” he claimed.

“She wants me fired from the Information ministry and replaced by her loyalist.

“She has captured the state media and AMH newspaper, It’s game one.”

Relations between the top three at the information ministry appear to be frayed after Mutodi recently attacked Mutsvangwa and permanent secretary Nick Mangwana over media claims that he was demanding $500 per day for using his personal car on official business.

Mutodi was reported to have turned down a government driver, preferring, instead, to use his own driver who later crashed the junior minister’s official vehicle causing damages worth $61,000.

Again, after changes were made to top editorial positions at Zimpapers – which is majority-owned by the government – Mutodi took to Twitter to claim that there would be a cabinet reshuffle.