gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Biti describes Zanu PF govt as an outright fascist – The Zimbabwe Mail

Biti describes Zanu PF govt as an outright fascist

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HARARE – Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) vice president Tendai Biti has blasted the Zanu PF led government for paying lip service to the constitution, democracy and rule of law while using repressive state apparatus to infringe civil liberties.

Biti’s sentiments come at a time opposition members are facing a fierce clampdown from the new regime led by Emmerson Mnangagwa who took over from the late long time ruler Robert Mugabe in a military in 2017.

Tension has already gripped the nation as cases of political violence soar ahead of this year’s general elections.

Commenting on the latest arrest of CCC organising secretary Amos Chibaya alongside 24 party activists, Biti said Zanu PF was clearly exhibiting its fascist tendencies.

“The arrest of CCC champions including our organiser Amos Chibaya at a private meeting over the weekend reflects the fascist paranoia arresting the regime,” said Biti on Twitter.

“With our meetings being banned and our leaders being jailed, the regime no longer pays any pretense to democracy and rule of law,” he added.

Pro-democracy activist Makomborero Haruzivishe labelled the recent arrest of his fellow party members as state sanctioned political terror.

“The weaponisation of criminal procedures to persecute those exercising their basic rights, such as activists participating in protests/opposition organising political activities amounts to state sanctioned political terror,” said Haruzivishe.

Of late, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP)have been instrumental in the banning of CCC rallies and gatherings across the country.

Chibaya and company were arrested at fellow legislator, Costa Machingauta’s residence in Budiriro while in a private meeting.

They are being accused of breaching the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA) and still in detention awaiting bail determination.

The arrest came barely a week after a video of alleged Zanu PF supporters bashing CCC elderly members in Murewa went viral on social media.

Events in Murewa were part of an ogre of political violence that have rocked the nation since last year when more than 2000 incidents of political disturbances including two deaths were recorded.

Violence against opposition CCC members in 2022 resulted in the death of party members Moreblessing Ali and Mboneni Ncube. – Newzim