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Zanu-PF releases election candidates list

Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Dr Obert Mpofu announces Zanu Pf candidates for 2018 Harmonised Elections while flenked by Secretary for Information and Publicity Simon Khaya Moyo, Secretary for legal affairs Paul Mangwana and Tshinga Dube politburo member at Zanu PF headquarters in Harare yesterday.-(Picture by Tawanda Mudimu)
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ZANU-PF yesterday announced  the final list of candidates who will contest the forthcoming harmonised elections on the ruling party’s ticket. The list includes 210 National Assembly candidates, 60 proportional representation candidates, 60 senatorial candidates and 100 provincial council candidates.


Addressing a Press conference in Harare yesterday, zanu-pf secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu said the ruling party had gone through internal processes of primary elections and reruns and was now in the final stages of naming successful candidates to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

Mpofu was flanked by politburo members Simon Khaya Moyo (Information and Publicity), Paul Mangwana (Legal Affairs), Munyaradzi Machacha and Tshinga Dube.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Dr Obert Mpofu(right), Secretary for Information and Publicity Simon Khaya Moyo(centre) and Secretary for legal affairs Paul Mangwana chat after a meeting to announce Zanu PF candidates for the 2018 Harmonised Elections at Zanu PF headquarters in Harare yesterday.-(Picture by Tawanda Mudimu)

“The full list of all the successful candidates will be published in the print and electronic media with immediate effect. All provincial election directorates/ provincial coordinating committees are hereby instructed to abide by the list which has been finally approved by the party and submitted to ZEC,” he said.

“Disciplinary action will be taken against any individual who will tamper with the approved list of candidates. The names of the final successful candidates as will be announced are the ones which will have to complete the nominations documents and provide their credentials to ZEC.”

He said all candidates should have completed the vetting exercise by close of business yesterday.
Mpofu directed all provinces to ensure that all the candidates in the respective provinces are assisted in the registration process with ZEC.

“All zanu-pf candidates are expected to be at the nomination courts in their respective areas by 0700 hours on Thursday this week. The party’s legal department is now on standby to assist provinces in the registration process to ensure all our candidates are successfully registered for the 2018 harmonised elections,” he said.

“You may have been experiencing certain developments from some of our provinces where names have been changed willy nilly without clearance from the party or from then Politburo. We have addressed that issue where we have ensured that the names that were cleared by the Politburo are the ones that will be submitted for nomination with ZEC.”

Mpofu said the party had made corrections for senatorial candidates for Matabeleland South Province as per the Politburo directive.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration, Dr Obert Mpofu announces Zanu Pf candidates for 2018 Harmonised Elections while flenked by Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo, Secretary for legal affairs Paul Mangwana and Tshinga Dube politburo member at Zanu PF headquarters in Harare yesterday.-(Picture by Tawanda Mudimu)

Mpofu said in Beitbridge the candidate was Tambudzani Mohadi, in Bulilima-Mangwe Khaya Moyo, Alima Mukweva (Gwanda), Thembani Mathuthu (Mzingwane), Essabel Ngwenya (Matobo) and Earnest Ncube (Inzisa).

“In Mashonaland East, the womens quota we have in Lilian Zemura (Murehwa), Roselyne Makoni (Marondera-Wedza), Nyarai Tsvuura (Mutoko), Cde Lucia Mudzingwa (Goromonzi), Tatenda Mavetera (Seke-Chikomba), and UMP-Mudzi we have Marbel Kaundikidza,” he said.