gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF bigwig points gun at daughter’s ‘boyfriend’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF bigwig points gun at daughter’s ‘boyfriend’

Jevas Masosote
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Zanu-PF Masvingo provincial political commissar Jevas Masosote was recently in the eye of a storm after he allegedly pointed a firearm at a man he accused of impregnating his teenage daughter who is still in high school.

Masosota reportedly stormed into Liberty Dzingai’s homestead in Tshovani Location and maliciously damaged his property at gunpoint.

The incident is said to have happened in full view of Zanu-PF provincial secretary for information Ronald Ndava, former Chiredzi Town Council Zanu-PF chairperson Francis Moyo and former Chiredzi General Hospital medical superintendent Tungamirai Rukatya.

The three are said to have had a torrid time to restrain a raging Masosota as he assaulted Dzingai and broke some household property which included a television set, a bicycle and dinner plates.

Sources said it was Moyo who eventually managed to calm Masosota down after Ndava had failed.

When contacted for comment, Dzingai said Masosota came to his homestead at around 21:00hrs and began to assault him at first without saying a word.

“It’s true. He came to my house at around 9pm driving a party vehicle and began to assault me using a chair before saying anything. He went on to destroy my some dinner plates, squeezed my two-year-old child against the wall before I retaliated.

“He was accusing me of impregnating his daughter, claiming that they had since aborted the pregnancy in Harare. He went to his car and brought a pistol which he threatened to gun me down with. He destroyed my plasma television, bicycle and other valuable property in my house as he stormed in,” said Dzingai.

When Masosote was contacted for comment, he said he was not aware of such an occasion.

“I never did such thing, it’s new to me,” Masosota said.

A source who witnessed the fracas said Masosota came in drunk and destroyed Dzingai’s property at gun point as he was accused Dzingai of impregnating his high school daughter.

Source – tellzim