gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Sports Club boss in court for turning council land into personal property – The Zimbabwe Mail

Sports Club boss in court for turning council land into personal property

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HARARE – A Raylton Sports Club manager appeared in court Monday facing fraud charges after he illegally rented out council land before converting the money to personal use.

Thomas Muraurwa, 39, appeared before Harare magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa and was granted US$50 bail.

He will be back in court on October 18.

According to court papers, sometime in the 1940s, Harare City Council (HCC) entered into a lease agreement with the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) for a stand in Harare.



The stand was meant for recreational purposes only with NRZ later leasing it to Raylton Sports Club to conduct its business.

Muraurwa rented out the stand to third parties who later opened and operated tuck shops.

“On 21 March 2023, the accused authored a letter addressed to Patnah Trading (Pvt) LTD giving permission to build and operate tuck shops at Raylton area in Harare.

“Patnah Trading, armed with the permission to operate, proceeded to City of Harare with his plan for approval and HCC approved the plan, assuming that it was the NRZ.”

A few months later, officials from NRZ reportedly discovered that there were developments at Raylton Club that had not been authorised.

They then authored a letter to the HCC notifying them that the construction which was being done was not unauthorised.

On 22 May 2023, HCC reportedly held a meeting and discovered that the author of the letter used to approve the plan was not from NRZ but rather that it was Muraurwa who was claiming to have authority.

After noting that Muraurwa misled them, a letter of was sent to Patnah Trading ordering them to stop any developments on the area. – ZimLive