gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Son kills father for ‘bedding’ wife – The Zimbabwe Mail

Son kills father for ‘bedding’ wife

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A MUTARE man this week went berserk and hacked his father with an axe, accusing him of dating his wife and practicing witchcraft.

Webus Muranda Junior (25) vanished soon after committing the heinous crime.

Police confirmed the incident, which happened in Chief Marange’s area.

His father, also called Webus Muranda (70), died after sustaining serious injuries.

The suspect has since gone into hiding with police launching a manhunt for him.

Police have since recovered the axe used in the gruesome murder.

Deputy Manicaland police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Luxon Chananda said they have since launched a manhunt to bring the culprit to book.

“Investigations carried out so far have revealed that the suspect and his father had a long dispute of the woman in question. He was in the habit of accusing his father of having an extra-marital affair with his wife and practising witchcraft. On August 22 at around 7pm, the suspect went to his father’s house armed with an axe.

‘The father and mother (Getrude Nyashanu) were in the kitchen. He then accused his father of having an affair with his wife and practising witchcraft. The accused then struck his father twice with an axe on the head, the now deceased run out of the kitchen and his son followed him and struck him again once on the head and he died,” he said.

The matter was reported at Odzi police station.

Asst Insp Chananda urged people to solve disputes amicably.